Thursday, March 21, 2019

They all said it was a lie
that I could be your ride or die
that I could be that sparkle in your eye
and the reason for your smile
but I thought it was a lie

that I didn't matter
even with the laughter
and the many sacrifices
You still wouldn't choose me
You think of me as your friend
and I don't wanna be just a friend

I am selfish,
that I want more than you can give
but that's all I want 
to be your everything or nothing at all
and I know how much you love her
and it makes my heart bleed
that I can't be her

It will hurt more if I stay
and watch her have everything I dreamed of
I Can only wish to see you happy
even  when it hurts the most
its a goodbye...even with tears in my eyes.
             kiki patricks


If it never hurt,it was never real
If it never made you cry,it was not worth
If it never caused you sleepless nights,it was never mutual
If it never drained your time and energy,you lived a lie
If it never made you feel special,it wasn't love.

                          -kiki patricks

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Do not triumph
that you had me once
and had me wrapped up around your finger
that you broke me when I least expected it
and you stomped on my heart 
so bad that it hurt so much

but so you know,

If I ever wrote a book
you would never be a character
cause you will never count
having a part in my story
and if you think
it bothers me seeing you happy
oh darling,Think Again

                                      -Kiki Patricks

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Have you ever loved someone or at least thought that you loved someone so much that you thought your life ends when they step out of your life?Well it happens to each one of us that ever loved someone or was loved.Modernity has ruined the meaning of love and when love comes up only Eros feelings define love.Welcome to the 21st century, where a relationship can only last when intimacy is involved.Sadly, we are all moving to the same direction the wind is taking us.We have misused the name love to cover up for our lust and lack of morals.We don't care anymore about the morals of our society.Society has no say to the fornication,early pregnancies,the sexually transmitted diseases and the newly found sexual orientation.

To the handful people that still believes in true love and sex after marriage are considered backward.Very few will go for a relationship where intimacy is after marriage.And that's when we went wrong and all we can talk about is abusive relationships,suicidal youths and still no lesson learnt. We have long forgotten how it feels to have someone who can love genuinely and is not after any intimacy or any special favors. It has been long forgotten how it was when you could visit each other,take coffee,prepare a meal,watch a nice movie and part ways nicely just to call later and catch up.Almost seems like a dream right?Has it ever been with us in our generation?It is like we found the world just like it is now.This is a fantasy to our generation.We don't have people to look up to.Is it really our fault that our hormones get ahead of our emotions?Is it our fault that all successful relationships must be intimate?

Welcome to the 21st century where Intimacy is preferred to real love.

Thank you for reading!!Tell me your thoughts on this article..Do you believe in a relationship without intimacy?I'll be happy to hear your take on this matter.